Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sunset at the beach

[...Anyways, I am looking forward to see you and start our trip; I am already imagining a moment where we are on a beach watching the stars, drinking some nice wine and talking about life :) I am looking forward for this moment to happen and you know what, it keeps me motivated! :)...]

This is what my friend Serkan wrote me, right after having confirmed that we would join forces to explore Uganda&Kenya&Tanzania together. Funnily, I had had the exact same picture in my head. As a consequence we began our grand tour by spending a few days at Ssese Islands on Lake Victoria.

Very early on Sunday morning I was standing at Entebbe airport, holding a sign with Serkan's name on it (as he had requested, in the case Uganda would have changed me unrecognizable). Later that afternoon we took a ferry over to Buggala Island, where most of Ssese tourism is centered (pic1). Despite it being peak season we were the only guests at our hostel. We were satisfied to have the whole beach just for ourselves to realize the plan of sitting by the water watching sunset and drinking wine (pic2).

On Monday morning we returned to the beach to eat breakfast (pic3). Then we decided to go on search for even better beaches around the island. Since Serkan had given up his Europe motorcycle trip in order to travel in East Africa, we hired a boda to make up his loss (pic4). After driving for several hours we concluded that our hostel must have the best beach and returned there to enjoy another bottle of quality Turkish red wine.

I was slightly hangover the following morning, thus happy to spend some hours sitting outside on a ferry deck. Back in Kampala we went for an interval run and began planning the rest of our journey. In three weeks time we will end up in Dar es Salaam, and will fill those days with any sorts of adventures...

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