Friday, April 26, 2013

Matuga hill

I have liked Matuga hill ever since I first time topped it. It is very near to home and I have announced it as my own spot. From up there, you can see all over the village (pic1).

When ever I go running I attract lots of attention because of being mzungu (non-black). Apart from us HCF volunteers, I have seen no white people around here. Therefore, when ever I run children, as well as often adults, come to see me. I am constantly greeted with shouts "See you Mzungu!" or "Bye Mzungu!" and it is polite to reply. At times it gets tiring to be a local celebrity. People seem to be interested in me because of my skin color (and assumed wealth), not because of my character. While pointing and laughing at different people may be rude in the western culture, here people are just showing their curiosity. Besides, I think it is healthy for me to experience how it feels like to stick out from the mainstream. I can hardly imagine how bad the targets of actual racism must feel.

Last Friday I headed towards Matuga hill, listening to my iPod and in hope to meet absolutely no more curious people. But instead I bumped into a welcomed person. He is a local marathoner, who led for me an effective workout up the hill. Afterwards we talked only about running related stuff and I appreciated being treated as a runner, not as a white person. I got home with a smile on my face, feeling that my running enthusiasm was finally returning after being lost for a few years.

This week we hosted a visitor volunteer, another rock climber! Yet again I got to witness how easy it is to bond with climbers. Yesterday we went to discover what Matuga hill has to offer climbing wise (pic2). We found a handful of around 10m high routes, which could be bolted and graded anywhere between 4 and 7. We did a little bit of bare foot bouldering and it felt so good to be in touch with rock again (pics 3&4).

I have a feeling that me and Matuga hill will grow even closer as time passes. And after I have returned home, I will for sure memorize the times spent up there.

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