Monday, December 29, 2014

Tonsai memorial

It was easy to see that Tonsai has passed its golden days as climbers' paradise. Most seafront restaurants have been burnt down to be replaced by a luxury resort, and at the moment their previous area is a smelling garbage dump. Bungalows and few remaining chillout bars are situated by the main street further inland, where it is possible to imagine Tonsai's old glory.

This used to be seafront bars

But no worries, my stay in Tonsai was saved by the company of two awesome Swiss. It was discovered that Chang beer is the recommended choice for good headaches, mushroom shake makes one operate sharply and push-and-pull top roping is the right climbing technique. Then there were characteristic cats; the tree climbing cat and the stoned cat were our favorites. Also, having a shower can be truly appreciated only after getting completely covered in sweat, sand, chalk and mosquito repellent.

Climbing in Tonsai was contradicting. First I could happily lead flash a 6B and then jump to another 6B right next to it, just to badly fail on it with top rope. Yet still I climbed my first clean 6B+ routes there. Luckily there is CROSSFIT! It enables everything and helps to improve in climbing, approximately by one grade per day.

Yes, I am finish.

Crossfit belaying

Stoned cat

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