Saturday, May 21, 2022

Why I love Switzerland, but yet leave to Albania

It has been a little over two years since my last life-status post, when I was in Morocco without any idea about the future. Then my biggest wish was to settle down in Switzerland like a normal person. Quicker than expected I got exactly what I wanted: I had two job interviews during a gear swap visit in Zürich, got offered both positions, and accepted one at a company I had always found interesting. I moved back and started the new job simultaneously with the beginning of the first corona lockdown. It could not have been better timing! Switzerland was the corona wonderland, where one could earn money sitting at home, while allowed to go anywhere outdoors. I rented a beautiful apartment, hung out with friends within corona limitations, and learned that it is possible to stay fit with just jogging and home workouts.

However, the two long winter lockdowns took their tolls. Each day was the same; wake up, work, lunchtime sport, work, watch TV, sleep, repeat... Days turned into weeks, weeks into months. I had too much time to contemplate my only real failure; not having found a life partner to start a family with. As such it was alright, just lonely and boring apart from weekend outings. I was growing content with the idea that my adventures were over and from now on I would better settle with my comfortable job, mountain sports and annual holidays. Which was fine! I love Switzerland. It is amazing having immediate access to endless climbing and hiking spots, being able to take the train to numerous major cities, and just living in such a prosperous country. I will always be a Finn, but I am proud to be located in Switzerland. Whenever I visit other countries I am happy to return home. Without further explanations, it just feels right to stick to my life here.

Fondue at a mountain hut, how very Swiss!

So, how does the story continue? Me living happily ever after in Switzerland? Nah. Already for a long time I have been interested in creating inclusive business models and sustainable value chains through systemic change in developing countries. I knew I would need field work experience in order to learn about these new themes. There was still a little spark of motivation in me - maybe I could still adventure after all?! - and I half-seriously applied for some jobs abroad. To my surprise I landed a one-year contract among skills development in Albania, with a Swiss iNGO. Although I have a good life in Switzerland and feel extremely nostalgic about leaving, I know taking this opportunity to experience yet something new is the right one.

Next week I move to Tirana, and I feel successful. I have got hardly any money and definitely no social status. Instead I have always had the courage to follow my dreams and learn skills that are important to me. There is no way I would exchange rock climbing, new languages, climate change mitigation, foreign cultures, meditation, sustainable lifestyle and personal growth to something uninspiring and irrelevant, no matter how rich it would make me. I feel almost proud that I have put lots of effort into acquiring skills that bring me no outer recognition, since it means they are truly mine and chosen in chase of happiness. So once again I set out to the unknown – extremely psyched, as always – but this time with the difference of knowing where I want to return to.

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