Thursday, July 18, 2013

Brainstorming on decision making

The grand journey ended the day before yesterday. Even though traveling for a whole month seems almost eternal, it eventually comes to an end. On one hand I already miss the frequently changing locations bringing along unexpected situations, but on the other hand I am ready to return home (yes, Kampala is my home for the time being). It gets a bit exhausting trying to make the most out of every day, thinking everything as once-in-lifetime opportunity.

Right now I am all on my own somewhere in the outskirts of Dar es Salaam (pics 1&2&3 at fish market). I am the only guest at an isolated beautiful villa and there is no one to talk to. After a morning run I have done nothing but laid on the sofa reading, watching movies, sleeping and writing. I feel like I need to do some consciousness thinking before going to continue my life in Uganda tomorrow.

"It is always necessary to know when a stage of one's life has ended. If you stubbornly cling to it after the need has passed, you lose the joy and meaning of the rest." - Paulo Coelho

It is obvious that it was a good time to end the grand journey at a point when continuos moving still felt exciting. However, the unanswered question lays in deciding what to do in October; Should I end this stage of discovering development work and go back to IT business? Or should I pursue into finding more inspiring but risky career opportunities either in Uganda or some another country? Let's consider the different options analytically.

In Finland I would have my old job with a good salary, established position, reasonable work hours and great colleagues. I just lack the passion towards IT. I would also have my nice apartment, a bunch of loved friends, close-by relatives and extensive sports facilities. Moreover, I would have access to functioning public transport, security, shopping, you name it.

To a high degree, I know what I would have in Finland. I would have everything I left behind that I have learned to appreciate during my stay here. As a complete opposite, I do not know what I would get abroad. I might get a job enabling me to use my whole potential, exciting social life and new hobbies. Just as well I might get a poorly paying frustrating job, zero like-minded friends and disappointing boredom. Almost certainly I would earn less money abroad. I am not saying wealth necessarily makes me happy but I do need to maintain a certain lifestyle.

To avoid adding complexity it would be smart to refrain from falling in love with anyone now. Having learnt from past, my relationships tend to be interesting but non-lasting, thus hardly worth investing in. If I got a boyfriend I sure would let him impact on my decision making, removing the focus from what I want from life for myself. However, to be honest that is exactly what I wish would happen! I would like to meet someone with whom to make compromises that, instead of being sacrifices, would be preferred choices because of loving each other.

"Far better is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy or suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat" - Theodore Roosevelt

What to value more, settling for achieved good or risking for potential great? For me, when is the right time to end the stage of discovery life? Ever?


  1. Mihin päätökseen ikinä päädytkään, tule ensin kodin kautta! Karjalanpiirakoita, ruisleipää, kylmää maitoa ja salmiakkia...niillä kummasti mieli taas hetkeksi kirkastuu! Millon tuut takasin, tuu jo!

  2. Taalla ma hymyilen sun viestille : ) Lennan takaisin kotiin 1.10. eli pian nahdaan! Ja nain viime yona unta karjalanpiirakoista : P
